
Showing posts from November, 2019

September Competition Wins

Here is a round up of prizes won in September. Jigsaw from a Mr Kipling on pack competition. Eat Real snacks were from a survey for the first 100 people who completed it. O'Keeffe's products were an Instagram win.  Munchy Seeds bundle was a photo competition win.  Bee mix seed balls were from a Facebook competition.  Family ticket for the splash park was a photo competition win.  Another great month for prizes. 

August Competition Wins

Here is a round up of the prizes I was lucky enough to win in August.  The Food Doctor pitta breads were from a Facebook win. A £10 Go Ape voucher from an on pack competition with Maynards Bassetts. A Stabilo left handed pencil from a Facebook win. A Lee Kum Lee cook book and bottle of oyster sauce for been one of the first five to message them on Facebook. An amazing win on Instagram, £300 for me and £300 for a friend.  A selection of wax crayons from a win with Colourful Crayations on Instagram. A jigsaw from a Mr Kipling on pack competition.  Four tickets for The Creative Craft Show. Charles Worthington products for been one of the first 150 people  to message them on Facebook. A good first month to getting back in to comping, really happy with the prizes I managed to win.